No one can understand… no one can feel our pain…
No one cares for us but who created love…
Memo! Honey!
Away from your warmth there is no life…
I miss smelling you!
I miss hearing your breath!
I miss listening to your heart beats!
I miss being with you babe!
I miss everything honey!
All the beautiful days!
It has been a so long time! Oh my God, this is so long!
For the ones who are treating us as numbers, everything can wait!!!
When will they understand that this is enormous for lovers!
That’s inacceptable!
Oh babe! Each day our love grows…
Each days is becoming harder and harder!
Life is becoming unbearable, boring!
I miss life! I miss you!
Whatever they may think, our love is unconditional!
Our love is immortal! And we will live to live it!
No one cares for us but who created love…
Memo! Honey!
Away from your warmth there is no life…
I miss smelling you!
I miss hearing your breath!
I miss listening to your heart beats!
I miss being with you babe!
I miss everything honey!
All the beautiful days!
It has been a so long time! Oh my God, this is so long!
For the ones who are treating us as numbers, everything can wait!!!
When will they understand that this is enormous for lovers!
That’s inacceptable!
Oh babe! Each day our love grows…
Each days is becoming harder and harder!
Life is becoming unbearable, boring!
I miss life! I miss you!
Whatever they may think, our love is unconditional!
Our love is immortal! And we will live to live it!
1 comment:
لا داعي للقلق أو اللجوء إلى الجراحة لمعالجة الخطوط حول العينين والتجاعيد وخطوط الضحك أو التكشير، واسترجاع لمعان الشباب مرة أخرى. إن العلاج بالبوتكس لا يستغرق وقتا طويلا ويأتي بنتائج مذهلة. إنه إجراء بسيط وسريع يمكنه أن يقلل ويزيل التجاعيد العنيدة، وخطوط التكشير بين الحاجبين والتجاعيد الأفقية فوق الجبين وخطوط الابتسام حول العينين. ولكن قبل الحصول على البوتكس يجب فهم كيفية عمل هذا العلاج.
- الدكتورة هالة حشاد
(عيادة كايا)
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